Exciting news from Monterey Bay Aquarium!
¡Noticias emocionantes del Acuario de la Bahía de Monterey!

There is still time to register your child for this fun and educational On Campus event all about National Parks!...............
¡Todavía hay tiempo para registrar a su hijo en este divertido y educativo evento en el campus sobre parques nacionales!

Join us for Family Movie Night this Friday! Doors open at 6:00 PM, and the movie starts at 6:30 PM. Admission is FREE!! Concessions will be available for purchase, featuring popcorn, candy, soda, and ice cream. All proceeds support Waukena's Student Leadership Club.
In honor of Mental Health Awareness Month, we will be showing "Inside Out." The movie will be in Spanish with English subtitles.
¡Únase a nosotros para la Noche de Película Familiar este viernes! Las puertas se abren a las 6:00 p. m. y la película comienza a las 6:30 p. m. ¡¡La admisión es gratis!! Se podrán comprar concesiones que incluirán palomitas de maíz, dulces, refrescos y helados. Todos los ingresos apoyan al Club de Liderazgo Estudiantil de Waukena.
En honor al Mes de Concientización sobre la Salud Mental, mostraremos "Inside Out". La película estará en español con subtítulos en inglés.

Thank you to everyone who joined us for Career Day at our school! Your insights and experiences made it an enriching event for our students. Together, we're inspiring the next generation of leaders and professionals. Let's continue to foster curiosity and ambition in our youth!

Thank you to everyone who made it out to our 100 year celebration!

Attention! Drop off for students attending the field trip to Riata Ranch tomorrow, MUST be dropped off between 7:00am - 7:30am! Any students after 7:30am will not be accepted!
Busses plan to be back at the school by 5:30pm. Any changes will be updated as they come!
¡Atención! La entrega de los estudiantes que asistirán a la excursión a Riata Ranch mañana, ¡DEBE entregarse entre las 7:00 a. m. y las 7:30 a. m.! ¡No se aceptarán estudiantes después de las 7:30 am! Los autobuses planean regresar a la escuela a las 5:30 p.m. ¡Cualquier cambio se actualizará a medida que llegue!

Busses are 10 minutes away. ALL students must be signed out in the cafeteria. There is no Waukena bus transportation.
Los autobuses estan a 10 minutos. TODO los estudiantes nececitan ser levantados en la Cafeteria. No ai autobus de la escuela de Waukena.

We stopped for dinner and restroom break. ETA 9pm
Paramos a cenar y usar los baños llegaremos a las 9pm.

Friday Game Cancelled - Snack Shack will be open
Due to weather, tomorrow's basketball game has been cancelled. The snack shack will still be open as planned.
Juego del viernes cancelado: Snack Shack estará abierto
Debido al clima, el partido de baloncesto de mañana ha sido cancelado. La cafetería seguirá abierta según lo previsto.

Due to continued fog, Waukena is on Plan C. School is canceled for today.

Good morning Waukena Wildcats. We are a Fog Delay, Plan A this morning for Monday, January 29. Instruction begins at 10:30

Busses will be arriving at the school shortly! All students must be signed out in the cafeteria. Thank you!

Busses have departed from the CAT Haven and are heading back to Waukena!

ELOP field trip is running 1 hour behind schedule. Students will be loading busses from the CAT Haven at 2:45pm and will be arriving at Waukena School between 4 and 4:30pm

Click here for foggy day schedule https://5il.co/2cgyp
Hello families,
We hope you've had a wonderful winter break filled with joy and relaxation. As a friendly reminder, school resumes tomorrow, we're so excited to welcome students back and wishing everyone a smooth transition back into the school routine.
Hola familias,
Esperamos que haya tenido unas maravillosas vacaciones de invierno llenas de alegría y relajación. Como recordatorio amistoso, las clases se reanudan mañana, estamos muy emocionados de darles la bienvenida a los estudiantes y desearles a todos una transición sin problemas a la rutina escolar.

Our Waukena students will be performing their Christmas Program for all parents to see!! Please join us this Friday December 15th at 1:30pm in the cafeteria!
¡Nuestros estudiantes de Waukena presentarán su programa navideño para que todos los padres lo vean! ¡Únase a nosotros este viernes 15 de diciembre a la 1:30 p.m. en la cafetería!

December 15th ELOP Cancelled

Tomorrow, Friday September 29th our Waukena Wildcats will be running Cross Country at Oak Valley. It is an away game, but the 8th Grade class will still be hosting a Snack Shack here at the school. The snack shack will be open from 1:00 - 3:00 and there will be a variety of snacks to choose from.
Mañana viernes 29 de septiembre nuestros Waukena Wildcats correrá Cross Country en Oak Valley. Es un juego fuera de casa, pero la clase de octavo grado seguirá organizando un Snack Shack aquí en la escuela. La cafetería estará abierta de 1:00 a 3:00 y habrá una variedad de refrigerios para elegir.

*revised* Red Ribbon Week is upon us! Here at Waukena we will be acknowledging RRW in multiple ways! One of which will be our Spirit Dress Up week Oct 23rd-27th. Take a look at the dress up days here in this post to start planning your students outfits! As well as some information on a Free Red Ribbon Week event held in Visalia for all families!

Today our Waukena Wildcats sports teams will be playing in Football/Volleyball Mini-Tournament at St. Aloyious School. 627 N Beatrice Dr, Tulare, CA 93274
Game times for all teams are
12:00 noon vs. Sequoia Union
1:00 p.m. vs. St. Aloyious
Hoy nuestros equipos deportivos Waukena Wildcats jugarán en el minitorneo de fútbol/voleibol en la escuela St. Aloyious. 627 N Beatrice Dr, Tulare, CA 93274
Los horarios de juego para todos los equipos son
12:00 mediodía vs. Sequoia Union
13:00. contra San Aloyious